This morning I decided to look around the internet for some good weight loss tricks. Eating healthy all the time is hard to do and not much fun if i do say myself. So I was looking for some quick tricks as they call them, Some foods that would raise my metabolism or an exersise that would burn more calories in the same amount of time as my usual work out. I think this is what everyone is looking for in todays times something quick lol.
So as I surfed the web for somekinda help I started going into a couple fourms to see if they held the key to quick tricks, I was very dissapointed in what I read. The fourms I choose where ones where health pros go to give you advice on weight loss. Rudest people ever!!! People were asking questions that I think any of us would ask such as " I am about 50 pounds over weight I do x amount of exersise and I eat x amount of calories but I seem to be losing wight im would like to lose x amount of pounds in x amount of days please help" The answers were abosulotly horriable telling the asker to stop dreaming they cant lose that weight and if they do its just water weight, that they will still be fat it just wont show on the scale. It was completly horrifing to read! The fact that people have taken the first step to wanting to lose the weight should be a positive experience! These people are making them feel low!
If you are out there and you want to lose weight heres what I have to say. Good for you for taking the first step in just wanting to do it wether you lose it quick or slow congrats!! The more you exersise the more you lose! DONT STARV YOUR SELF!!!! If you starv your self then what you do eat your body will turn to fat incase you starve your self again its like a defence for your body. Dont cut everything from your diet like they say to cause then you wont stick with it!!! If you drink 6 glasses of pop a day replace 5 with water but still have one glass so that you dont feel as if life isnt enjoyable if you eat at fast food places every day pack a lunch instead for 6 days and save that one day to treat your self. I know that most weight loss people that would read this proubly want to hurt me but we are not super stars we are not trying to win the strong man compition we want to lose weight to help our own self esteme not to go in beauty pagents. If you feel like your life is strict you will cheat and if you cheat you will feel bad about it and if you feel bad about it you will cheat again to make your self feel better so just cut it in half I lost 40 pounds in 3 months and kept it off I will tell you how.
Befor I decided to lose the weight I never exersised, EVER! So I started walking if I needed to go somewhere that was closer then 4 blocks I walked, I started taking a walk everynight for 30 mins it wasnt a brisk walk or even a fast walk just a nice relaxed walk. I drank about 2 L of pop a day so instead I started drinking a half a glass a day and drinking water for the rest of the day exsept for my coffee in the morning that did include a teaspoon of sugar and milk. I dont like just water so i would put a slice of lemon in my water which made it more enjoyable. I would make what ever I normaly ate but I would only eat just over half of what I normaly ate then I cut it down to under half of what I normaly ate when I was comftorable. Most of us gain weight because we over eat and who would blame us food taste good! So if you just start cutting food out and eating less your always going to be hungry you have to cut it out slowly give your stomach time to shrink then when you start feeling full when you eat cut a little more out and just keep doing that untill your eating a healthy amount its amazing what really is a healthy amount, where most of us would imagine dinner as lets say a full chicken breast a good scoop of noodles some garlic toast some sauce on thoes noodles a scoop of veggis really you should only be eating a half a chicken breast and at most a wine glass full of noodles and a half a piece of garlic toast..... when you think of this you think wow who could live off that but thats all we need. So dont cut it down to that right off just get there slowly by cutting a little more out each week. And remember WATER!!! LOTS OF WATER as well have you been neglecting your bbq did you know thats the best way to cook your food the fat falls out of your food and burns away when you bbq no grease!!!! So go crazy with the BBQ you can lose weight with out feeling like your life is a strict schedual no one wants to tell there friends they cant go out for lunch cause there on a diet so dont just dont order as much or dont eat it all and try to keep it to once a week!!! Good luck cause you can do it!!! Just make your self happy well your losing weight and remember laughing burns calories!!!!
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